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Fashion Fragments

Coronation Inspiration!

This week’s post has an ever so slightly royal flavour as tomorrow is the day of the new King’s coronation. In amongst all the pageantry & ceremony there’ll be a lot to inspire fashion creators, with so much finery on display, from military uniforms to diamonds & jewels, there’s bound to be something that gets the creative juices flowing.

Prior to the event, here are some examples of vintage clothing currently on trend & on ebay with a coronation theme.


Bruce Oldfield

Designer of the new Queen’s coronation gown & a favourite of Princess Diana’s, any royal event wouldn’t be complete without one of his dresses. This original is currently on ebay and is perfect for an 80’s power dressing edge.


Detail from a vintage 90’s satin jewel print bomber jacket, if you don’t feel like getting the real jewels out!


A colour that has long been associated with military and royalty. I’ve chosen a vintage Ghost slip dress that has a modern simple silhouette to carry the colour.


Vintage Mondi Blazer


Capes and cape details are still very much on trend, this dress is vintage but looks really modern and is great for a summer party


An 80s design house forever associated with the royals, this incredible dress is from the 1989 circus collection and is currently on sale on ebay

Inspired Sewing

If you fancy a bit of catwalk inspired sewing, the pattern below is a great place to start. Ideal for an up-cycling project. Of course re-modelling or making clothes from scratch can be daunting. If this is unfamiliar territory for you why not join our Facebook group Front Row Thrift Flipping in this link and create alongside other fashion lovers? It's a great way to sound out ideas if you're unsure or if this is new to you.

Sewing Patterns at

Our patterns are created with future seasons in mind and are perfect to use alongside up-cycling projects as well as creating garments from scratch. Currently available from Why not give it a go?

It doesn’t matter how good you are at sewing, it’s not about being perfect first time, it’s a skill to develop over time!

Now that you've been inspired why not join our community?

Front Row Thrift Flipping is a Facebook community of makers, creators and up-cyclers of second hand clothing who love fashion. If you'd like to have a go at making or up-cycling some old clothing click on the link and come and join the fun! For regular news and updates click on the link and sign up to our newsletter

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